
I'd like to start by lavishing extreme amounts of praise for your extremely
clear and thorough set of instructions.  As someone fairly new to Linux and
command line, those instructions have been an incredible help, even if it
was intended for an earlier version.

As for option 1, I actually started out with release, ran into some
connection problems, and started over with the newer version in the hopes
that I wouldn't encounter those problems with the newer version.  So much
for that thought.  At this point, I'd like to stick it out and try to get
the 1.2.0 rc 1 version going, but I'm open to whatever will get me a
functioning installation.

I actually did install OpenSRF prior to installing Evergreen.  Here's what I
did and didn't do.

Between steps 19 (preparing the database) and 20 (build and install
evergreen), I did the following.

Cd into opensrf source
Sudo ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh
Edited /etc/apache2/httpd.conf to include:
        # This is here for apxs compatibility (and this comment is
        #LoadModule mod_placeholder /usr/lib/apache2/mod_placeholder.so
Sudo make install 

I did not do the following before make because I (incorrectly?) assumed they
were specific to Gentoo.

Open install.conf in a text editor and set the default Gentoo settings for
make configuration:
export APXS2=/usr/sbin/apxs2
export APACHE2_HEADERS=/usr/include/apache2
export APR_HEADERS=/usr/include/apr-0/
export LIBXML2_HEADERS=/usr/include/libxml2/

Could this be the cause of my problems?  Or... I just spotted another
potential place I may have gone astray...

In step 23, setting up Evergreen, I skipped the parts labeled in 1.0x only
and went with the 1.1x parts, as well as skipping anything refering to
bootstrap.conf, which doesn't exist in this version.  But I think that may
have been the problem... The four bullet points under "Edit bootstrap.conf"
I skipped because there is no bootstrap.conf, when in reality, I probably
should have made those changes in some other configuration file.  Um...
Either opensrf_core.xml or opensrf.xml?

Which of these possible problems sounds most likely and worth attempting to
fix?  Anybody?


PS. Dan, I'd be happy to help with updating this area of the wiki, but if
you've got it under control, that's cool too.  I'd be happy to run through
my notes and tell you anything relevant on or off list.  But you have a good
point about waiting until it's a regular release.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 2:37 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; open-ils-dev@list.georgialibraries.org
Subject: RE: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Newbie install question

Hello Dave and Karen,

The instructions for installing Evergreen on Ubuntu were written/edited by
me specifically for the stable 1.0.x branch.  They should work with minimal
changes for some of the 1.1.x development builds, but will be missing
critical steps for 1.2.x, as OpenSRF has been pulled out as a separate

The project is in an awkward state at this moment, as there is no official
build that is both current and stable (coming soon!).  I have been resisting
changes to the Wiki until 1.2.x passes the release candidate stage, but may
create a new page to accommodate it if the RC process drags on too long due
to something unforeseen.

So, you have a few options at this point:
1) Install 1.0.x.  The install should smoothly follow the Wiki guide, and
you will at least get a live install to see what Evergreen is like.
2) Stick with 1.2.x, making sure to install OpenSRF.  You should be able to
install most things based on the Ubuntu guide, but check out the Gentoo
guide for the last bits, specifically the sections beginning with
"Installing OpenSRF"
People here are always willing to work through specific sticking points, and
I will be sure to glean any troubleshooting info from your posts to add to
the future 1.2.x wiki page :)
3) If you just want to see Evergreen in action, grab VMWare Player and one
of the VMWare images.  The Ubuntu image is functional, but a few months old
at this point.  The Gentoo image looks more up to date if your heart isn't
set on Ubuntu.

Good luck,

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