Ok something weird is going on with this import. I started it on Friday and
it was still running on Monday. I came in this morning and it was finished
but with an error. Can't locate object method "class_name" via package "HU"
(perhaps you forgot to load "HU"?) at pg_loader.pl line 48, <> line
1648134328. Once I saw that then I decided to try a smaller number of
imports at once, that one was 3500. So I had a file with 1000 records in it
to try. It started off really slow. I stopped it and tried to restart all of
the Evergreen services. I was informed by the services that there wasn't
enough free space to start up. So I started checking around. I found out
that the osrfsys.log file was almost 120GB in size! It had all of the
entries in there from the previous import. So I erased the log file. It
automatically created another osrfsys.log file and started putting entries
in it, again from the last import. I finally had to kill the perl process so
that I could completely erase the log. Now that I have it erased I can't get
the router user to connect to the jabber server. Can someone give me some
insight as to why this has happened and what I might be doing wrong to cause
it to happen?

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Dan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/6/2 Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hey guys, any news on why the copies or volumes might not have copied
> over?
> > Also, can someone tell me in their experience in importing records what
> the
> > maximum they imported at once? I tried to import a file that had 3500
> > records in it over the weekend and it is still running and looks to be
> hung
> > up. Just out of curiosity.
> 1) The steps listed for the Gutenberg records get bibliographic
> records into the system, but no call numbers or copies. That's what
> the import_demo package tries to demonstrate:
> http://svn.open-ils.org/trac/ILS-Contrib/wiki/ImportDemo The approach
> in the import_demo takes you through the steps for getting bib records
> into the system, then goes beyond that to parse holdings statements
> directly from the MARC21XML for the bib records and generates call
> numbers and copies to load into the system. This isn't necessarily the
> best approach for getting call numbers and copies into your system,
> but you're going to have to tailor your approach to the system you're
> working with.
> 2) The most bib records I have imported in a single file is somewhere
> around 2 million. This weekend I was importing approximately 360,000
> bib records from a single file. Note that you really want to be using
> the parallel_pg_loader.pl approach (as demonstrated in import_demo) if
> you're working on a system with memory constraints.
> --
> Dan Scott
> Laurentian University

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