Hey Brandon:

2008/11/28 Uhlman, Brandon EDUC:EX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi, all.
> I'm in the process of completing a hybrid new install/upgrade of Evergreen 
> I release that RC2 is out now, but I had RC1 mostly installed 
> from a while ago, and figured that the 1.2-to-1.4 leap is bigger than the 
> leap within RC2, and that I might as well finish what I started.
> By 'hybrid' installation, I mean that I'm completing a fresh install of 
> Evergreen using the 'new install' instructions on a new server, 
> but I'm pointing at a legacy dataset from Evergreen sitting on a 
> separate server.
> I ran eg_db_config.pl to do the bootstrapping stuff, and ran 
> src/sql/Pg/1.2.3-1.4-upgrade-db.sql, but I notice a (metric) ton(ne) of stuff 
> seems to be still missing from the DB schema - notably, orgunit lassos from 
> 005.schema.actors.sql, and all the in-db i18n stuff, from a multitude of 
> files.

Yeah. This is one of the reasons we needed RC2 - the upgrade SQL
script in RC1 was not at all ready for upgrades (other than a few of
the minor schema changes that I had introduced). We need to be more
clear when we push out a release candidate whether it's intended to
support migration or just give people a chance to try out new

> Is there an unwritten step that I should be doing?

Go directly to RC2. Do not stop at RC1; do not collect $200.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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