2008/12/2 Melissa Lefebvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I'm new to Evergreen and am trying to get up a test server using
> 1_4_0_0-rc2, on Debian Etch.  I've followed the instructions to install EG,
> corrected the errors that I came across when running the settings-tester.pl,
> am able to srfsh on the server with no errors, the OPAC page loads within a
> browser (although I can't actually do anything like login to My Account – I
> get a javascript void error)

Sounds like autogen.sh hasn't been run. You might as well stop here
and fix this problem first (probably should add a check for that to

but my question is how do I connect my
> Evergreen Staff Client on a Windows machine to the server?  I tried the
> instructions located at
> http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-user:installing_and_running_the_staff_client&s=staff

Which staff client did you download or set up on your Windows machine?
What instructions on that page did you follow?

> and it seems to have done something (no errors or warning messages) but when
> I try to connect via the staff client I can't get passed the testing server
> stage (message "There was an error testing this hostname").  I am not sure
> what I am missing although I have a feeling it's something really simple and
> obvious.  Does the hostname need to have a particular path listed or just
> the hostname?  I've tried just the hostname and also just the server's IP.

Are you entering "http://hostname"; or "hostname"? The latter is what
you need to enter.

Perhaps we should add a check in the client for "://" to warn about
invalid hostnames, or to ignore the protocol part.

> As a side note, I can get to the Local System Administration via a browser
> on a windows machine, so I think EG is install correctly.

That's a positive sign, at least.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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