2009/1/14 John Fink <john.f...@gmail.com>:
> Hey folks,
> Judicious removal of the deprecated db_port flag resulted in everything
> going ahead nicely, after Dan knocked some sense into me by letting me know
> that the import demo should be run on the database server directly.  As
> always, Dan saves the day.
> Recommended changes to import_demo trunk -- remove db_port references, make
> explicit the need to run on the db server if db and frontend are on
> different boxes.  I'll submit a new version if it'll help. :)

Heh, right beside you - I added the db_port option to marc2bre.pl
instead, and did update the import demo README with some words about
loading sample_marc.sql and friends directly on the database server.
I've also updated the tarball for the import demo with the new
versions of all the files.

Thanks a ton for running through this and for helping improve Evergreen!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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