2009/1/23  <david.jo...@canadabusiness.ca>:
>  Hi All
> I have a clean install on ubuntu 8.04.1.  I had a problem with libdbi,
> which I have re-ran the makefile.  When I run srfsh I get unable to
> bootstrap client error (attached srfsh.log).  When ran,
> settings_tester.pl generates no errors ( see attached tester.log).
> Srfsh.log indicated an error from Jabber, but I am at a loss to what my
> next steps would be.
> Any assistance greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> David

Hi David:

Just looking at the srfsh.log - you can't use as a hostname
or domain name; try localhost instead (or, if you're installing
OpenSRF 1.0.2 / Evergreen 1.4, public.localhost for accessing the
publicly exposed OpenSRF services if you followed the OpenSRF README

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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