2009/2/15 Carl T. Miller <c...@carltm.com>:
> Carl T. Miller wrote:
>> After the gunzip command, there is no file named $(EJABBERD_PKG).gz.
>> The chmod command should be updated to:
>>   chmod u+x $(EJABBERD_PKG)
> After making this change, the make command finishes with this output:
> make: *** No rule to make target `install', needed by `centos'.  Stop.
> Is this a problem?

Yep, it's a problem. Just remove that target from the centos: install
target, so the line looks like:

centos: install_centos_rpms install_ejabberd install_libmemcache
install_libxml2 install_libxslt install_centos_perl create_ld_local

I've updated Makefile.install in the source code repository. Sorry for
the problems with the prerequisite installer - I had been trying to
put together Red Hat / CentOS prerequisites some time ago, but when it
became clear that we would be able to proceed with Debian or Ubuntu I
abandoned the effort, and some of the refactoring that I've done since
then has (obviously) gone untested on Red Hat / CentOS.

Thanks for the problem reports, and please keep letting the list know
your findings with CentOS. I know there are other institutions who
have policies of only running Red Hat systems, and it would be great
to make that adoption path nice and smooth.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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