2009/3/10 Mike Rylander <mrylan...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Grant Johnson <fgjohn...@upei.ca> wrote:
>> Check this out... Top record.
>> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=narrative+landscapes+morrison&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA295CA298&ie=UTF-8
>> This is great but...
>> How is Google finding this to crawl?
> I can't explain it, but they always seem to find the SlimPACs... :)
> Could there be any links to shared bookbags floating around?  That's
> always been my pick for "most likely bot entry point."  One link to a
> bookbag and Google can effectively crawl the entire bib set via call
> number links and the subsequent call number browse.

I can answer this:


The search in Google for "show me all pages that link to our
catalogue" shows as the fifth link "Island Studies | UPEI Robertson
Library" (library.upei.ca/reserves/islandstudies.html) which in turn
exposes an RSS feed containing selected books on that subject in the
SlimPac interface. From there (and similar reserves lists), Google
happily crawls through related authors, subjects, etc...

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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