2009/3/13 Mike Rylander <mrylan...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Dan Scott <deni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Note that you don't / shouldn't update POT files directly; instead,
>> you want to update the corresponding native en-US file (
>> Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/openils/reports/nls/en/us/reports.js in this
>> case).
> Unfortunately, no such file exists.  Firebug tells me that
> Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/openils/reports/nls/reports.js does, though, so
> I'll move my updates there and clear out the rest of the strings.

Ah, good catch. That's what I get for firing off a quick email at the
end of a long jet-lagged day. Sorry for leading you astray.

>> "make newpot" generates updated POT files and will overwrite
>> these changes based on the contents of reports.js. Similarly, just add
>> entity definitions directly to lang.dtd rather than lang.dtd.pot -- or
>> in this case hardcoding strings in the XUL -- heh :)
> I believe that at this point you're the only one that knows the "best
> practices" for all of the moving parts of i18n, so you'll need to bear
> with the me (or point me to the the docs I missed on your dojo-PO
> integration).

Docs, ah yes... the Dojo-PO piece was the last part I added during the
lead up to 1.4 and has suffered the ignominy of not yet having any
developer-oriented docs written about it, I'm afraid. My apologies!

The Dojo JavaScript property files are nice and simple - they're just
JSON hashes, where the key maps to a translation string, and you can
use variables in the string using ${0} ${1} notation.

>> I suppose we could delete the POT files from SVN. I had checked them
>> in to make it relatively easy for someone to grab a copy for their own
>> translation purposes; but if it's going to cause confusion, I can turf
>> them.
> It seems to have, yes.  If we leave them in place, what mechanism do
> you suggest for keeping them up to date?  We don't want translators
> translating from what amounts to the previous version's strings, I
> would think.

Well, given that the POT strings will likely be 9x% the same from
release to release, that's not so bad - and it was nice and easy to
point to the Trac instance for translators to download the POT files.
However, I have now removed them from the repository because the last
thing I want to do is slow down development.

One of the sites doing a translation had mentioned they were going to
host a Pootle instance for the Evergreen community, which would
simplify things significantly (provides a nice Web-based translation
interface and automatically generates reports on translation
completion percentages). That has not yet come to pass, though, so
perhaps I'll try running an instance on coffeecode.net.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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