2009/4/9 John Craig <jc-mailingl...@alphagconsulting.com>:
> Page in question is:
>     http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=server:1.4.0:instal
>     Textual instructions say:
>     We start Evergreen using three separate steps (the OpenSRF router, Perl
> services, and C services) to avoid a possible race condition with the
> start_all command.
>     Step says (down a few lines):
>     osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_alll
> Which raises another question:

Wait! You didn't ask the first question! Oh well. If you're worried
about the difference between the description and the action, I've
deleted the description. The race condition has (probably) gone away
in 1.4 due to the addition of the --settings-startup-pause flag to
opensrf-perl.pl; that descriptive text was a hangover from 1.2 days.

> Is the nature of the race condition understood so that the script could be
> improved to check for something (or just pause) to avoid it? I'd be happy to
> fiddle with it if I knew more about what needed to happen--or what needed to
> be prevented.

Short version: Perl services start; C services start; C services
depend on Perl services (settings server in particular); Perl services
aren't ready by the time the C services ping them; C services fail to
initialize; unhappiness.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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