2009/4/13 Jason Etheridge <ja...@esilibrary.com>:
>> So what's wrong, you ask?  If I try a basic catalog search (in the OPAC or
>> the staff client) I get zero results, regardless of what I search for.
> Garry, did you figure this out?  Have you tried direct lookups by TCN
> or item barcode?
>> Any ideas on where to start to correct this problem?
> I'd start looking at the various metabib.* tables, and see if they're
> getting populated.

This is certainly a good idea. If they are indeed populated, I have
another idea...

One change between 1.2 and 1.4 is the staged search, which is much
faster than the regular old 1.2 search. However, staged search is also
much pickier about your org_unit hierarchy; if you have one org_unit
at the wrong depth, or skip a depth in the hierarchy, your search is
going to return nothing.

You can tell if you are using staged search by checking for
<use_staged_search>true</use_staged_search> in opensrf.xml - if
changing it to "false" makes a difference, this is a pretty strong
clue that you need to double-check actor.org_unit and

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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