2009/7/14 James Fournie <jfour...@sitka.bclibraries.ca>:
> Hello,
> I was having a horrible time getting the hasCommonAncestor() function
> to work in the circ Javascripts.  I eventually discovered that
> ScriptBuilder.pm was making a cstore actor.org_unit search with flesh
> = 2, which limited the search to org units above depth 2.  My org
> units were depth 3.  I changed the cstore flesh to -1 and this seems
> to retreive all org units.  I also found an similar problem in
> AppUtils.pm

Ah, that would probably explain why hasCommonAncestor() was failing
for us earlier on, when we had a deeper hierarchy than we currently

Good detective work! Your suggested change seems quite rational to me.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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