First, a heads-up that Opera doesn't support the bibtemplate structure
at all. I believe that's due to Dojo only officially supporting Opera on
dojo core, not the dojox extensions. Probably not a huge concern with
Opera hovering around 2% of browser market share, but when I'm browsing
the Web on my Wii it would be so nice to have item details displaying
properly... heh.

Second, a slightly more obscure but also more serious bug (based on
browser market share) is that Internet Explorer (6,7,8) don't support
one of the advanced bibtemplate features; check the URL display for
items that have located URIs; in IE, the URLs that are displayed always
come from the bib record, rather than from the asset.uri table.

I don't have a test case ready at hand, unfortunately, as I'm on leave
at the moment, but it should be pretty easily reproducible. The item
details template that we're using can be seen at with the most pertinent source at

An aside, Safari (at least on Windows) and Chrome / Chromium seem to
work with bibtemplate just fine.

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