The subject search in bibtemplate, interestingly enough, searches
against the keywords index rather than the subject index.

This might just be a fortuitous mistake, but I suspect it is because
the subject index doesn't currently support searches of compound
subjects composed of topic + temporal + geographic headings.

The subject search:
results in 0 hits.

The keyword search:
results in 5 hits. Some of these hits are because the desired keywords
fall outside of the subject fields, but if you take a record (say,
ISBN 041596864X) and remove all of the pertinent keywords from
non-subject fields, reindex the record and resubmit the keyword
search, you'll see that the keyword search using the compound subject
terms does retrieve the desired record. Or just create a minimal
record with the following field: "651 0. ‡aGreat Britain ‡xHistory
‡yWars of the Roses, 1455-1485."

If you peek at the metabib.subject_field_entry table, you'll see that
the subject terms are all there, but broken up across entries.
Presumably, this is why the compound search doesn't find a hit against

One way that I documented back in February
of resolving this problem is to add an additional entry to the subject
search index:

INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (field_class, name, xpath, weight,
format, search_field)
   VALUES ('subject', 'flat', '//mods32:mods/mods32:subject//text()',
1, 'mods32', 't');

Once that has been added, you can reindex all of your records and
compound subject searches will work as expected.

However, I would suggest that it would be better to have this as part
of the default search indexes in 1.6 - and that the bibtemplate
subject search should then be adjusted to search the subject index
accordingly, to avoid false positives that occur when using the
keyword index.

>From a migration perpsective, one could conceivably avoid the cost of
reindexing all of the records by iterating over all of the unique
values of source in msfe and populating an additional row containing
the union of the subject terms for each source record. Once that's
complete, insert the new config.metabib_field entry and the system
would be golden.

If there's a better way of solving this problem, that would be great,
as adding the //mods32:mods/mods32:subject//text() xpath means that
we're effectively indexing all subject terms twice if we keep the
existing temporal / topic / geographic subject indexes as well.  Maybe
instead of adding the xpath, we could populate a view or use rules to
maintain an additional row based on a union of all subject terms for a
given record? Just brainstorming in a slightly sick fashion. But in
the short term, that slight additional bloat seems like a small price
to pay for making subject searches work the way that our users appear
to expect them to work.

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