On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 09:31:56AM -0500, Tim Spindler wrote:
> Thanks Jason,  I appreciate your comments.  I remember the statement about
> the March release but since there hasn't been much talk about the timetable
> and there was still talk about an Alpha 2 release before beta. I'm
> wondering if a March release date is feasible?

We haven't talked about releases much recently, but we haven't been
talking much about anything recently. (See also Ben Shum's question
about dev meetings.)

Assuming we maintain high standards of entry for commits to master, we
should be able to cut a 2.2 release at pretty much any point in time.
Cutting a second alpha within the next week and a beta a few weeks after
that leaves some time for a release candidate or two to catch any
glaring problems before a March release. Oh yeah, and for release notes
and documentation and translations to get caught up too.

In the absence of broadly automated testing, it would be wise to have
manual tests for common scenarios so the community can avoid the kind of
problems Conifer has been experiencing in 2.1. We upgraded to 2.1
over the holiday break and I've been putting in a lot of time
subsequently dealing with upgrade issues [1] that would not be apparent
with data that has been loaded into a fresh database. Hopefully a lesson

1. Issues such as https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/920134 and

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