Hi all:

I wanted to draw your attention to the
http://www.open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:hackfest:eg2012 wiki
page where we're pulling together some ideas about what we want to work
on, who wants to work on what, and when, for the dev hackfest at the
Evergreen conference this year.

If you're interested in attending, feel free to add to the table in the

  * add your name to an existing idea;
  * propose a new idea;
  * associate a bug with an idea and start sketching out your design;
  * link to branches from the bug if there is existing code to build on
  * extend it however it seems appropriate

Of course, you should also feel free to just show up! Some of us are
just hoping to achieve more concrete results from our efforts with this
year's kick at the can :)


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