On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 04:30:08PM +0000, Michael Kerrigan wrote:
> Hello Developers,

> We have been hired to customize some of the search functionality for
> Evergreen for a client and was hoping someone could point us in the
> right direction regarding a couple of issues.

It would be interesting to know what you're working on customizing so
that we don't end up duplicating efforts, if you can possibly share...

> 1. Should we submit our changes back to the community as a bulk
> patch to 2.2 (with all of our changes) or would it be more applicable
> to submit each change we are making independently?

There's a code contribution section under "Contributing" at
that is rather wordy but pretty much complete.

Long story short:

* Please use git (we offer access to the "working" Evergreen repository
  to anyone who sends in an SSH key)
* Create "feature branches" based against master for each feature you
  want to contribute. Keep'em separated, if you can.
* Open a bug at bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen and point at your branch
  when you're ready to have it reviewed

More info on how we use git at
> 2. What IDE do you all use for working with and debugging
> Evergreen PERL code?  Eclipse, Komodo?

Most Evergreen devs (at least the core committers) use Vim.
> 3. Who is the resident expert on Evergreen search functionality?

If you follow the commit logs / bugs / mailing lists, Mike Rylander is
probably the closest thing to a resident expert on search functionality,
although many of us have recently had our fingers in parts of that pie.
Why don't you ask questions on the list and see what shakes out?


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