On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Dan Scott <d...@coffeecode.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dan Scott <d...@coffeecode.net> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Job D R Borges <j...@nupelia.uem.br> wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I am reviewing and updating the Brazilian translations at launchpad.net.
>>> Nowadays the restrictions status for Evergreen translations in Launchpad is
>>> "Open",
>>> which means that anyone can translate without revision.
>>> I am working to get a very good quality for Brazilian Translations,
>>> revising all entries.
>>> Then I am looking, for someone that know how to change the current Status,
>>> to "Restricted",
>>> to change to a more quality control process for translations.
>> Hi Job:
>> Thanks so much for you contributions to date!
>> To date we haven't really had anyone stepping up like you to take more
>> direct responsibility for a given language, so we haven't had to
>> figure out that process. This is a good problem to have! I'll take a
>> look at Launchpad to figure out what the process is for assigning a
>> given language to "Restricted" and granting you reviewer status so
>> that you can sign off on any contributed translations to Brazilian
>> languages.
>> It's probably a good time to ask if anyone wants to take on a similar
>> responsibility for other languages. And maybe someday we'll have a
>> real overall translation coordinator too!
> Okay, I've opted to set things at "Structured" rather than
> "Restricted" for now. Per
> https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/PermissionPolicies,
> "Structured" enables people to contribute to languages that have no
> assigned team or person, whereas "Restricted" prevents such
> submissions. I think we still want to allow "drive by" contributions
> to languages for which no-one has stepped up to take formal
> responsibility.
> As Job has asked to be responsible for the Brazilian languages, I
> think it would make sense to create an "evergreen-i18n-br" group that
> contains Job, rather than just assigning Job directly; that way more
> people can be added to the group if necessary to share the burden with
> Job (a problem that we can hope to happen!).
> And that would give us a similar approach to follow for other
> languages, so if people step up, we could create "evergreen-i18n-cs"
> and "evergreen-i18n-ru", etc. Sound good?

To continue replying to myself... Sounds good, but that's not how it
works. You can't assign arbitrary teams to languages in Launchpad; you
have to pick from predefined teams in Launchpad, which then have
sub-teams for particular languages. And they highly recommend the
"Launchpad Translators", so I've done that. (To be clear, the
Launchpad admins do leave open the possibility of creating a new team
for a specific project, but they clearly don't want to.)

So if you look at
https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen/master/+lang/pt_BR you'll
see that it's "managed by Launchpad Brazilian Translators." And
"English (Canada)" has no team, so anyone can contribute.

This is one of those areas where we're adapting to what Launchpad
gives us, I guess.

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