On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 07:57:43AM -0400, Soulliere, Robert wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I did try to follow the instructions and using "git cherry-pick -s
> <commit-hash>". However, when I got to the point of pushing the
> changes, I received a git error regarding non fast-forward commits and
> requiring a merge.. Thus, I merged and could push. Did I miss a step
> or is there a good way to get around this error without merging? I did
> pull for the latest changes just before pushing.

I think you want to "git pull" first, to get the latest changes, then
"git cherry-pick -s <commit>" to pull in the commit of interest, then

If someone else pushes to the upstream branch while you were working,
causing that "non fast-forward commit" message, then, you could go ahead
and merge those changes, and then use "git rebase" to pop the
cherry-picked commit to the top and get rid of the merge commit noise.

In any case, next time if you run into a problem, drop into #evergreen
and I'm sure someone will walk through it with you step by step. (That
goes for anybody!)
> I was wondering if I could delete the old 1.6 folder under docs? This
> is an old directory used in the early days of DocBook testing. Seems
> like it could be confusing and is non useful at this point in time.
> http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=Evergreen.git;a=tree;f=docs/1.6;h=ee59c7ad272d9262a5034d854511290a4d4d4cd8;hb=master

I would second deleting the docs/1.6 folder for the reason you suggest.

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