On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 10:21:59PM -0400, Kathy Lussier wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> >Do you have opinions on these items or think some items are
> >missing?  Let your voices be heard.  It's safe to say this will be
> >the shortest feature development cycle of any major Evergreen
> >release.  Within the next month or so, we'll have a pretty good
> >sense of everything that's making the cut.  In six weeks, we hit
> >the feature freeze.  Now is the time to effect change.
> Thanks for asking the question! Since jspac is scheduled to be
> deprecated as of 2.3, I think it might be useful to identify which
> of those unsponsored pending features from 
> http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:opac:template-toolkit:plan&rev=1339016264
> should be addressed before jspac is phased out. There are two that
> jump out at me:
> * Display of public copy notes - it might seem to be minor, but
> public notes aren't really public if the public can't see them.

Copy notes could easily be displayed in search results - we're already
grabbing them, just not displaying them - but as search results and
record details currently use different methods to retrieve essentially
the same bib record / call number / copy information (unapi SQL function
for search results, json_query Perl method for record details), we would
need to add the 'acpn' (copy note) field to the json_query in
OpenILS::Application::AppUtils::basic_opac_copy_query(). Shouldn't be
very hard to go this route.

At some point, though, we should settle on one really complex way of
grabbing this info, rather than having two really complex ways. I had
been working towards that with unapi, but ran out of time to accomplish
that for the 2.2 deadline.

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