Hi Larry:

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 08:39:34AM -0400, Larry W Arnold wrote:
> Hello,
> I hope I am posting to the correct listserv list, if not please advise.

Thanks for posting to the Evergreen dev list, it's a reasonable spot to
ask for technical assistance, and you've given us a lot of useful debug
info; I'll see if I can offer any help inline below:

> I have installed Evergreen 2.2 on a Ubuntu 10.04.4 server, and while the
> installation was smooth, I have encountered problems probably related to
> configuration (Network or Hostname ??).
> Any guidance or assistance is much appreciated
> When I run autogen.sh to boot-strap Opensrf I get the following:
> opensrf@eg-test:~$ autogen.sh
> Updating Evergreen organization tree and IDL
> Updating fieldmapper
> Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2012-10-11T07:49:17
> OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript /
> usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm:276 Session Error:
> route
> r@private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!


Okay, we see that fairly frequently, and it's often an authentication
problem with one or more of the ejabberd users.

> I then ran settings-tester.pl with the following result:
> opensrf@eg-test:~$
> /home/larry/Evergreen-ILS-2.2.2/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings-tester
> .pl

Cool. This script is getting long in the tooth but occasionally provides
useful feedback, such as...

> 1..7
> ok 1 - use OpenSRF::Utils::Config;

> Checking Jabber connection for user opensrf, domain public.localhost
> Use of uninitialized value $@ in concatenation (.) or string at
> /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/OpenSRF/Transport/SlimJabber/Client.pm line
> 157, <DATA> line 35.
> * Error connecting to jabber:
> SCALAR(0x2528538)

Aha - I'm pretty sure this indicates (clumsily!) that the opensrf user
was unable to connect to to the public.localhost ejabberd domain with
the credentials you supplied. Double-check opensrf_core.xml for a typo
in the password, or remove and reregister the opensrf@public.localhost
user with the same password.

(Also note that ejabberd sadly doesn't deal with special shell
characters in passwords, so avoid $ and @ and the like...)

Good luck!

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