On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 11:00:47AM +0000, Kivilahti Olli-Antti wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Dan!
> What I mean with "can't be localized":
> We have been doing our localization according to the instructions here
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-admin:customizations:i18n
> We have translated all of the generated .po -files and none of them 
> affect our TPAC, as in Evergreen v2.3 from this September.

I don't see any translated strings at all in
https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen/master/+lang/fi - this is
where we draw our translations from for releases, and is the easiest way
to get a base set of translated files into a release.

> If there is a separate instructable which describes how to translate the 
> text entries for TPAC, please instruct?

Translate build/i18n/po/tpac/tpac.pot to create a Finnish fi-FI.po file,
then follow the Apache directives section in the official docs at
for defining OILSWebLocale fi_FI and pointing at the location of the
fi-FI.po file. One Apache reload and your strings should be there.

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