On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:33:29AM -0800, David Boyle wrote:
> I have submitted a pull request for the new feature MARC Edit Window Tiling.
> The pull request is at https://github.com/evergreen-library-system/Evergreen
> The wiki page is dev:proposal:marc_edit_tile
> The blueprint is at
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/evergreen/+spec/marc-edit-window-tiling

Hi David:

It's nice to see you pulling together some code for Evergreen! However,
I noticed that
has no commit message, no sign-off indicating your developer's
certificate of origin(DCO) and license compatible with Evergreen - all
of which is covered in (too much, and occasionally conflicting) detail

In short, we at the very least need to have the DCO sign-off to indicate
that you have the right to submit the code that you're submitting, and
that you're making it available under the GPL version 2 with the "or
later" option, to cover our basic legal behinds.

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