On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 02:12:29PM -0800, Lori Bowen Ayre wrote:
> I think instead of inviting BIC to use Evergreen, it would be more fruitful
> for we, US Libraries, build on the work they've done to look beyond those
> many protocols (from among the "yet another" you mention) that a) are
> implemented completely differently across systems) and b) are limited in
> the functionality they support and c) are built around one-at-a-time
> barcode technology.

I think that you completely misunderstood what I meant, which was the
BIC / CILIP could use Evergreen as a reference implementation for their
LFC work. As in, they could go ahead and develop modules that add the
LFC standard protocols to Evergreen, thereby making at least one ILS
capable of speaking to equipment that would also implement the LFC
standard protocols.

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