On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:21:36PM -0500, Mike Rylander wrote:
> Well, do don't really know, exactly.  But, thanks to Kathy Lussier and Ben
> Shum, we learned at the dev IRC meeting this week that we have a good
> starting point.  It lives at
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:opac:template-toolkit:plan#jspac_features_missing_from_tpacand
> each feature now has a Launch Pad bug.


> What we need from everyone that can spare a few minutes are data and
> opinions, and the best way to offer both is on the Launch Pad bugs linked
> from the above wiki page.  Please take a moment to scan that list of JSPAC
> features not yet in the TPAC, find the one that looks important or
> interesting to you and your institution, follow the link to the LP bug and
> leave a comment after having read the description and any previous
> comments.  Even if your comment is, "we don't care about this feature and
> are planning to move to TPAC with or without it," that is important
> information to have.


> Questions, comments or concerns?

If adding comments to bugs in Launchpad is a barrier for participation
(having to sign up for an account, etc), then posting to the mailing
list would be helpful too, IMO.

Also, in the unlikely event that Kathy and Ben missed something that
matters to you in the current round-up of missing features, feel free to
raise that!


P.S. crazy flu-influenced idea - we could push one JSPAC removal bug to the
mailing list each day to solicit feedback, so that everyone is looking
at the same bug at approximately the same time...

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