On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 09:51:17PM +0000, Elliot Voris wrote:
> I've gone through, and adjusted the script to better suit our environment. I 
> keep getting these errors:
> opensrf@evergreen-test:~/tools/patron-load$ ./ldap_osrf_sync --dump-ldap
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'owner' in IDL class 'vie'
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'item_attr_def' in IDL class 'vie'
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'match_set' in IDL class 'vie'
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'renewals' in IDL class 'circ'
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'renewals' in IDL class 'acirc'
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'distribution_formula_entries' in 
> IDL class 'acpl'
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'default_fund' in IDL class 
> 'acqpo'
> [WARN:6134:idl.py:166:MainThread:] No field 'filter_sets' in IDL class 'cfdi'
> opensrf@evergreen-test:~/tools/patron-load$
> Does any of that mean anything to you? Here's that section of 
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oils/utils/idl.py (evergreen 2.4.1, 
> btw). Any clues there?

Those are actually just warnings; basically places in the fieldmapper
IDL that don't match up the way that the IDL is supposed to.

Also, the --dump-ldap option won't dump anything to STDOUT if it doesn't
find any matches, so you will need to pair that up with a
--query-something option :)

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