On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Mike Rylander <mrylan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> CORRECTION: the commit hash is
> 3e7f6f1503938e3e5a1cfe3bd90eaa8f021a0d48 ... I failed to fetch before
> attempting to pick. Sorry!

Hey Mike:

It looks like that test assumes that the concerto sample records have
been loaded, which means we can't run it on a production system.

What I've done in my tests, instead, is insert the desired record with
a known-and-entirely-improbable record ID, then tested against that.
As we're using an explicit ID, the sequence doesn't get touched, and
as the test occurs within a transaction, the record and all derived
rows get rolled back at the end.

To make my approach more airtight, I suppose I should test for the
existence of a record with the entirely-improbable ID first, and skip
the test if that record ID for some reason exists...

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