On Fri, Apr 04, 2014 at 10:25:56AM -0400, McCanna, Terran wrote:
My preference would be to leave the existing client as is (with the exception 
of bug fixes, etc.), but to offer the browser-based modules as options once 
they become available. My reasons for this are:

1) It will allow for indepth use of the new module in a production environment 
to uncover any bugs or performance issues while still having a known entity as 
a backup. No amount of testing is going to uncover all of the odd little 
problems like working in a live environment will.

2) When moving back and forth between the two environments, staff will be more 
aware of the improved user interface and performance, and I believe they will 
be more eager to transition completely to the new environment.

3) The browser-based circulation module may offer some immediate relief to 
those frontline circ staff who are struggling with antiquated machines and slow 

4) The new modules can begin to be thoroughly tested on mobile devices that 
cannot run the current client.

+1 to what Terran says. Let's forgo the complications of trying to force
new-style development into an aging security / performance /
functionality-impaired container and instead focus on fleshing out the
browser-based modules on a workflow-by-workflow basis as much as
possible, so that some staff (as Terran says) can benefit ASAP and
help us find where we can optimize workflows or where we've missed yet
another piece of existing functionality that most sites don't use but
that is critical to another site's workflow.

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