Hi Jesse:

You'll find the font sizes defined in

Everything else, it's going to be hard to debug without seeing what
customizations you've made to the stock catalogue HTML and CSS (vs. just
looking at screen shots).

Note however that many of the design changes are intended to support both
accessibility and mobile devices. In some cases we had to trade off some
visual polish for better all-round functionality. That said, your "My
Account" menu shouldn't be floating off the top of the screen :)


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Jesse McCarty <jes...@burlingtonwa.gov>

>  Hi Everyone,
> I am not sure it this is better suited for the Evergreen-Admin list (which
> seems to have very little activity) but figured I would have some luck
> here. As I am still in the process of upgrading Evergreen 2.4.4 to  2.6.2
> (I’m working on a good write up on what all was involved for others that
> may be interested). I’ve had to revert to the stock style.css.tt2 and three
> other configuration files (searchbar.tt2 advanced/search.tt2 and
> misc_utils.tt2) as using these files from our Production 2.4.4 system
> produces a 500 server error when searching the OPAC online and doesn’t
> display very nicely on top of that.
> I have nearly all of my look/feel visuals back in place (the style.css.tt2
> is very close to the original used in our 2.4.4 production system, but with
> the addition of the new configurations for Evergreen 2.6.2 and some lines I
> did not change as they distorted the display) sans a few outstanding
> configurations as noted below.
> For the following 4 issues, I have attached FontSizes.JPG for visual
> reference that shows a side by side image of our current production
> environment (right side) vs. the testing environment being upgraded.
> 1) The font size - the in progress upgrade (on the left in the attached
> screen shots) has larger fonts, I haven’t been able to find where to get
> this changed to display in the smaller font style like we currently have in
> our 2.4.4 install of Evergreen.
> 2) Quantity alignment - the numbers in () after the author name are
> aligned nicely to the right in the current production system, and when I
> edit the style.css.tt2 that aligns them to the right like in the production
> system, they garble/run together with some of the links to the left.
> 3) Place Hold/ Add to my list are fluid in the production system (when the
> browser windows resizes they adjust appropriately), but are static and move
> below the text when the window is too small in the development system, what
> can I edit/change in the configuration to get the fluidity back?
> 4) Language material book icon – this doesn’t show in the new system,
> where can I get it back?
> When logging into my Account, the My Account and Logout buttons at the top
> are pushed too far up as to not be visible or readable. Also the text color
> is yellow for the fines value, where we want it red like our production
> environment (MyAccount.JPG). I am not sure where to edit the style.css.tt2
> file to get this to be more like the production system.
> Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
>  Jesse McCarty
> City of Burlington
> IT Technical Assistant

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