For the past couple of years, thanks to the maturing of the web platform,
standardization of EcmaScript across browsers, the adoption of transpiling,
and a focus on performance (not just network transfer but memory
consumption), there has been a movement away from all-in-one libraries like
jQuery and Dojo that sought to pave over differences between browsers at
execution time (talk about boilerplate!), and towards the use of small
packages that get bundled for delivery at the point of need (see bower ->
npm -> yarn and webpack which is used to split JS and CSS up into the
bundles needed for any given page).

I understand the community felt a need for jQuery in the catalogue. But
given jquery-ui's relative staleness (the last stable release 1.12.1 was a
year ago, and the roadmap was last updated a year ago), I'm worried that we
would be tying ourselves to the equivalent of another Dojo at this point,
when much of the rest of the web development world has already moved on.

On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 9:44 AM, Cesar Velez <> wrote:

> With the coming release of 3.0, the OPAC will now make use of the jQuery
> javascript library.
> This I think will help greatly to reduce boilerplate JS code, and make it
> easier to add more dynamic features and content there.
> As such, I was wondering whether it would also be beneficial if we went
> ahead and added the related UI library, jQuery-ui? This UI library has
> several useful widgets ( and would complement
> the jquery library nicely. Mainly, it would help greatly in speeding up
> future UI work.
> I'm curious what the community's general experience is with this UI
> library, and whether there's general consensus for it to be included along
> with the main jQuery.
> thanks!
> Cesar Velez

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