On 6/9/2014 12:18 PM, Rich Sudlow wrote:
> Where can I find the codes for afs: Lost contact with file server?
> I'm seeing code -1 and -9
> Thanks,
> Rich

They would be RX error codes from src/rx/rx.h

/* Something bad happened to the connection; temporary loss of
communication */
#define RX_CALL_DEAD                (-1)

 * An invalid operation, such as a client attempting to send data
 * after having received the beginning of a reply from the server.
#define RX_INVALID_OPERATION        (-2)

/* An optional timeout per call may be specified */
#define RX_CALL_TIMEOUT             (-3)

/* End of data on a read.  Not currently in use. */
#define RX_EOF                      (-4)

/* Some sort of low-level protocol error. */
#define RX_PROTOCOL_ERROR           (-5)

 * Generic user abort code; used when no more specific error code needs
to be
 * communicated.  For example, multi rx clients use this code to abort a
 * rx call.
#define RX_USER_ABORT               (-6)

/* Port already in use (from rx_Init).  This error is never sent on the
wire. */
#define RX_ADDRINUSE                (-7)

/* EMSGSIZE returned from network.  Packet too big, must fragment */
#define RX_MSGSIZE                  (-8)

 * Idle dead timeout error.  This error is never sent on the wire.
 * rxi_SendCallAbort() translates RX_CALL_IDLE to RX_CALL_TIMEOUT.
#define RX_CALL_IDLE                (-9)

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