
I have a few legacy RHEL 6 servers that are still running an older 1.6.x series 
DKMS client, which were recently patched and rebooted.  On a couple of them, 
access to AFS is now just hanging – and I cannot figure out why.  They have the 
same kernel release and kernel module as some other systems on the same network 
that are working, so it doesn’t look like it would be any sort of firewall 
issue.  Would anyone have any suggestions on how to debug this?  I don’t know 
if I can upgrade them to 1.8 since we are trying to keep our legacy systems 
fairly static.

Some information:

% uname -a
Linux ###### 2.6.32-754.31.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 15 08:08:31 EDT 2020 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
% rxdebug localhost 7001 -v
Trying (port 7001):
AFS version:  OpenAFS built  2020-08-05
% rxdebug localhost 7001
Trying (port 7001):
Free packets: 167/179, packet reclaims: 379, calls: 647, used FDs: 64
not waiting for packets.
0 calls waiting for a thread
1 threads are idle
0 calls have waited for a thread
Connection from host ######, port 7000, Cuid 97239d4d/7cab1088
  serial 77,  natMTU 1444, security index 0, client conn
    call 0: # 1, state active, mode: receiving, flags: reader_wait, 
    call 1: # 0, state not initialized
    call 2: # 0, state not initialized
    call 3: # 0, state not initialized

I don’t see anything in the system log that would point to any particular 

It looks like it’s gotten some response, but has not processed them.  The 
symptom is that when you try to go to anything under /afs/<cell>/, it just 
hangs – whether doing an ls or trying to read a file, etc.



Brian Sebby  (se...@anl.gov<mailto:se...@anl.gov>)  |  Information Technology 
Phone: +1 630.252.9935        |  Business Information Services
Cell:  +1 630.921.4305        |  Argonne National Laboratory

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