On 2012 Aug 01 (Wed) at 19:04:01 +0200 (+0200), Pau wrote:
:I have installed 5.1 amd64 (see previous e-mails) on a thinkpad and I
:have these main concerns:
:1) How can I use suspend in a secure way? I am using X, of course, and
:I carry the laptop with me all the time to work in my rucksack. I
:usually suspend it to resume work later with all windows open etc. But
:I would like to know whether there is a way to tell suspend it should
:lock the screen after resuming. Is there such a thing?

Add an /etc/apm/suspend script (make sure it is executable) with the

pkill -USR1 xidle

This script will run as root, when the system suspends.

:2) Unfortunately I have to do a lot of video conferencing with some
:people and I was wondering whether there is a way to do it on OpenBSD.
:I know that skype is totally out of question but how about google
:talk? I have also tried to install ekiga but it is shown as "broken"
:when I try to install it from the ports.

No idea, sorry.

:3) I have realised that firefox and chrome are almost there in playing
:youtube videos via html5 but not quite. I used to play them in the
:past with videoreplacer and gecko-mediaplayer but videoreplacer is not
:available anymore for firefox. Do you have any suggestion for

Firefox in 5.2 will be much nicer.  rthreads made a huge difference, as
did the update to ffx 13.

I fell asleep reading a dull book, and I dreamt that I was reading on,
so I woke up from sheer boredom.
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