Someone: Alain, I wasn't aware that PNG was a vector
format. Are you sure?

Alain: No.

Someone: Do you know where I can read the specs.
Anthony: I think they are on the W3C's page somewhere.


Someone: Since editing will take place in RAM anyway,
the format an image will be saved in is not really
important from a programmer's point of view.

Alain: My ignorance of "real" programming gave me the
impression that graphics, particularly stuff that has
to be updated in real-time (like in a GUI for
example), had an impact on the low-level programming.
In the case of Apple, for example, EVERYTHING that is
displayed on the screen is drawn with QuickDraw. How
wonderful it is to learn that despite the fact that
almost everything calls on the graphics, it is
sufficiently modular that the graphics have NO impact
on the underlying programming. I guess that previous
generation of programmers didn't get everything wrong!

Anthony: GraphicsConvert's best PNG encoding can take
a couple of minutes. It can be important.

Alain: Is this a one-shot deal? Or does this encoding
have to happen every time, in real-time?

Someone: The trouble is not the code, but changing the
font used for buttons is hairy because you'd have to
re-arrange all parts on the card.

Anthony: Agreed. We'd want a standard font for UI.

Alain: Does anyone disagree with this?

Someone: I don't see any problem with allowing to
select *any* font as the script-editor font.

Alain: Hummm.. That's not really where a selection of
fonts is particularly interesting. A monospaced font
is just fine here. I was suggesting instead that we
have a choice of fonts inside the interface ( menus,
windows, GUI components, etc ) like we have now with
the MacOS. I must admit that I am a little bit
bewildered. I thought that this was a gimme.


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