> Alain: No pressure intended, but your above comment
> begs the question: When do you believe that this
> much better version will be available for testing?
> Do you have any idea? 
> A ball-park estimate would be fine.

Anthony: Well, right now I'm burried in schoolwork.
When I manage to dig out of that pile, you'll see work
resume. After that, expect to see a NuParser test.
Once NuParser works, then the Interpreter work will

Alain: Excellent. I will add a slightly modified
version of the above (e.g. without reference to your
school work) to the web page we had reserved for the
FreeCard Interpreter.

Alain: I wish you well on your school-work, Anthony. I
hope that you can whip that one into shape, speedily,
so that you can resume your FC-work. No altruism here, eh!
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