Adrian: Anthony, I have been reviewing the things that are sitting around 
on my hard drive here at home and discovered a file "NuParser.png" which 
is a diagram of the conceptual foundation of NuParser.  There are a 
couple of things that concern me about this diagram but there is not 
enough information in the diagram to be sure that these concerns are 
founded, or to discuss them informatively.

Adrian: Has documentation relating to NuParser been uploaded to the UFP 
server yet?  If not could this be done, or at least what you have.  Any 
code you have written would also be useful.

Adrian: Finally, I believe that FreeScripts are translated to nullCPU 
assembly which is then interpreted, if this is still the case could any 
documentation relating to nullCPU assembly be uploaded as well?  You 
should at least have a set of commands and a description of what they do 
even if this is not yet comprehensive.

Adrian: I am asking all this as I would like to get up to speed on the 
activities of the programming division with the objective to contribute 
to it in the not-so-distant future.  It would also help with my 
understanding of C/C++ and make sure that documentation is kept 
reasonably up to date and that it is possible for someone new to take 
over if one of our current programmers unexpectedly dropped the project 
(and there are plenty of ways this could happen).

Adrian: PS: Same applies to Uli and all the other programmers on the 
team.  I'm coming after you all eventually. :)

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