> Alain: Security-wise, JavaScript is no worse than
> other languages, it seems to me. The most recent
> incarnation of JS has been overhauled in terms of
> security. Which is good, I am sure, but which
> caused me many headaches this year.

Anthony: I've lost count of how many JS security holes
there have been last year, from stealing credit card
numbers to faking which site you're looking at.

Alain: The latest incarnation of JavaScript is much
more security-oriented than all of its predecessors.
There is tainting and procedure authentification, and
all of that. With these features taken into
consideration, are you still insecure about
JavaScript's secureness? Is JS the WORST language in
this regard?

>> Uli: Would it be possible to change the
>> navigation to use regular HTML?

> Alain: I endeavour to be as flexible as possible
> but, in this case, I cannot compromise at all. 
> While my system is 80% server-side, and the 20%
> client-side JavaScript that I do use is limited 
> in scope to the fundamentals ... without JS, 
> the whole solution falls apart.

Anthony: What does the JavaScript do? It activates a
simple form.

Alain: It is more essential than that. The onLoad
event of the middle-frame re-adjusts the buttons in
the top-frame, produces the default message that is
displayed in the bottom-frame, and starts a timer.
Hidden form elements maintain the state of the user.
Going to any page stops the timer and transparently
submits the user's state to the server. As a
by-product of the process, the values of the user's
form-elements are also sent. We are going to exploit
the latter to record members votes. This is basically
it, with the exception a few calculations, moving some
data around, bypassing the default form-element
selection order, in order to guide the data-entry of
the student/user, and some other interface niceties
that make the web-experience more user-friendly.

Anthony: Some reason why clicking the nagigation
images can't do that?

Alain: That would mean that each image's link would
have to be hard-coded with the image tag, and the HTML
of the buttons frame would have to be changed every
time you change page. That is MUCH slower than
dynamically changing them (appearance and destination)
with a little bit of JavaScript.

>Anthony: I've got problems besides just letting 
>unknown parties execute code on my machine.

Alain: 1. Am I an unknown party that you don't trust?

Alain: 2. JavaScript's scope is pretty much limited to
the HTML page that embeds them. Like Java and others,
JavaScript cannot read or write to the user's disk. It
doesn't have hooks into the user's operating system.
Besides a little of tricky spoofing on the web to
rip-off credit card numbers and other secure
information from unsuspecting people naive enough to
consider the Internet secure in the first place, what
can JavaScript do that is deleterious to the client's

>Anthony: 3 of the 4 browsers I use don't support JS.

Alain: My official position on this matter is that I
only support Netscape and Explorer, the two most
widely used browsers throughout the World. My system
would probably also work well with other less-known
browsers, like Mosaic and such. The browsers that I do
NOT support are the primitive ones that don't support
frames, tables and/or even graphics.

>>Uli: Also, I don't get anything in the bottom frame.
>Alain: That frame was intentionally empty.
>Anthony: Please remove it. It makes it need to 
>scroll on my 13" monitor.

Alain: That frame was intentionally left empty because
it will eventually serve a purpose. Actually, it will
serve several purposes:

* A frame to provide pretty, customized feedback to
the user, instead of relying on the ugly dialogs
provided by JS itself. They are not only ugly, they
are very limited and in English, while many of my
clients are French.

* A rough equivalent of HC's msg box, on the Web. To
display messages, like the above, but also to allow
the user to use it to submit commands to my server.

* Another set of buttons, like the top-frame, with
further operations that are context-sensitive (e.g. card-specific)
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