Hi All,

I've been dropping the ball on some issues of communication with this group.
Sorry. And, it isn't going to get better yet. Excuses, excuses.

I've got a lot of raw notes and ideas for the overall organization here, but
they are NOT ready for prime time yet. I hope to post these to the net in
the next 2 weeks. Then I'll send along some pointers and try to heat up the
charter and license discussions again. Yea, more philosophy stuff from me.

Side-line thought #1..... Is all the talk about "stacks" on the WWW and
other "wish-list stuff" getting in our way for our first major benchmark? We
need to replace HyperCard, right? Isn't that version 1.0's goal? Should we
entertain ONLY those issues and gently postpone others?

#2 Nudge.... Any other opinions floating out there on the BETA programming
language for the endeavors here?

#3 Ho-humm.... There has been some talk in recent days on the SuperCard list
about Free & Open stuff. It had to do with a "SuperPowered" concept advanced
there. It might be wise to put our minds around some of those issues and
critiques (+/-). Anyone here hanging there too with ambitions of crafting a
"summary" post?

Mark Rauterkus

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