>Regarding the visually handicapped: I agree the GUI must be able to be used by
>the visually impaired. My brother in law is . The ususal solution is a virtual
>magnifying glass (apple bundles one standard though they do exist for ibm as
>I think a solution would be make 'normal' gui, then E X P A N D   I T
>S O    T H A T   A N Y O N E    C A N   R E A D   I T.


  if it's a magnifying glass you need, that's not much of a problem. 
We'll need something in this direction for the FatBits view anyhow, 
so this would be very likely built into the engine, and would mainly 
involve a bit of multiplication every time a coordinate is passed in. 
Shouldn't be much trouble to put this into the HAL.

>Is anyone else wanting to work on the GUI? If not that is ok, i can produce
>something decent by this summer (fall at the very latest) - and hopefully
>sooner. So if everyone else wants to be 'review' - i.e. i make something, you
>check it out and critique it - that is ok with me.

  Since you can do it, I guess you should. Anyone who'd like to join 
in would certainly speak up.

>Licensing our creations is not a problem. I promise to have a working
>partnership agreement on command, and a licensing agreement within four weeks
>of command. The legal aspects are honestly not problematic. If you want a
>temporary 'in group license' i can do that this week. Its terms would be
>simply that you agree not to distribute anything produced by other
>developpers. Thus allows us to take the time needed to formulate exactly what
>we want for end users. I favor a limited form of PD. I do not think microsloth
>is a major worry - because what we produce will necessarily be cheaper.
>So if you want an in group license to allow development, ask and i shall post
>one this week (takes about an afternoon).

  I'm not sure I understand this. I don't want to keep the sources 
in-group, since as the group isn't yet clearly defined, it may later 
turn out that that might be a bad thing. I want to ensure the sources 
stay publicly available. Something like:

  "Herewith I grant an irrevocable licence to you to modify and/or 
distribute any sources I submit to the UFP FreeCard group's project 
without the need for royalties" or what-have-you.

  I'm not really sure what kind of licence it really should do, but 
I'm currently in favor of PD as the benefits still outweigh potential 

-- M. Uli Kusterer

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