I have done this as a macro using looping controls. It is not the most efficient way to do it, but it does work. It would be better if the Tube module had someone enchance it to provide this functionality since often people want to do this. Sorry, but it does not immediately support this at this time.


 > You don't want to hook it up to the Tube's diameter input. You want
 to hook the Import to the line input of Tube and set the diameter to
 a number to produce the correct size you want.

Yes, I have done this before - but this yields the same diameter for all
the Tubes, right? My idea is that the diameter varies depending on a diameter
that is included in the dx file (e.g. the data section of the Polylines.dx
example) I'm going to import a water network from GIS data.


Richard's Chemistry module FancyRibbon supports this capability (I can't remember if there's a FancyTube, but FancyRibbon can do both tubes and ribbons). You can associate a major and minor elliptical axis radius to each point along the tube line and get smoothly changing cross-sections. Also you associate normals and binormals at each point to control twist.

Chris Pelkie
Vice President/Scientific Visualization Producer
Conceptual Reality Presentations, Inc.
30 West Meadow Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850

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