On 15/11/2007, Christopher Fynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Crossland wrote:
> > On 15/11/2007, Christopher Fynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> In this case I'd wait till you read the actual licence in the fonts.
> >
> > Yes; lots of chatter about how much freedom Google is giving with
> > these phones, since what is available now is totally proprietary. But
> > I hope they will release it under Apache 2. (GPLv3 compatible :-)
> >
> >> Ascender is not particularly in the Free and OpenSource fonts camp...
> >> They are also the marketing agents for Microsoft(R) fonts.
> >
> > Yes, this is true, but they did Red Hat's Liberation fonts too, so
> > they are more in the sofware-freedom camp then any other proprietary
> > foundry, afaik
> I suspect Red Hat paid Bill Davis / Ascender for the Liberation fonts - and
> Google has probably paid them for the Droid fonts too. If Google commissioned
> the Droid fonts then the choice of license will of course be theirs and, if 
> the
> licence for those fonts is open, the credit for that should probably go to 
> them
> not to Ascender.

Yes, that's a fair point.

> Ascender's "web fonts survey" used an incredibly biased set of "tests"

This is a great piece of commentary - please add it as a new page on
the Open Font LiBrary wiki :-)

> Anyway the Ascender survey at least makes the point that we should strive for
> *quality* in free and open source fonts.

Yes, I totally agree

> Perhaps the OpenFont library could

Please add this to the Roadmap page of the OFLB wiki :-)

Btw, are you a developer? :-)

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