> Your thoughts make sense.
> But don't you think that introducing "free/libre" would just add a new
> level of confusion?

Thanks, but my suggestion is libre/open fonts not free/libre.
Precisely to reduce confusion.


> (And I'm willing to explain the difference between "gratis" and
> "freedom" until every freeware font resource starts labeling its stuff
> "gratis/no-cost/giveway/..whatever" instead of just "free".)

Mmm, do you realise that the ambiguity benefits them and that IMHO they
are unlikely to want to clarify? In a similar way than freeware sites or
mainstream computer magazines consciously re-labeling software under
FSF-approved licenses as "freeware"...

How much spare time do you have :-)
Better start soon...  or maybe not...

Nicolas Spalinger, NRSI volunteer
Debian/Ubuntu font teams / OpenFontLibrary

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