Hello Libre Font people,

For the last few weeks there's been a discussion over on the CREATE
list about LGM 2011. There are 3 proposals, in alphabetical order:

Brasil http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/Conference_2011_Brasil_Bid

Canada http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/Conference_2011_Montréal_Bid

Vietnam http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/Conference_2011_Vietnam_Bid

Please read them, and reply to this on-list with your order of
preference. I'll do that myself in a moment, so you can see what I
hope you'll reply with :-)

(Even if you didn't attend previous conferences, are not planning to
attend next year, your input is welcome :-)

If you can spare the time, please also answer these questions:

a1) YES/NO: Do you have enough information to decide LGM venues for 2011?
a2) If no, please describe

b1) Will you make it to Brasil if LGM is there in 2011?
b2) Will you make it to Canada if LGM is there in 2011?
b3) Will you make it to Vietnam if LGM is there in 2011?

c1) Are you satisfied overall by the process to decide the venue on
the wiki? (Explained at
http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/Conference_2011 if you haven't been

d1) What do you think of the bidding process?
d2) Should we keep it as it is, a one-year process, or change to a
two-year process?
d3) Do you have enough information to make a real choice? Please explain.


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