Really the quickest way to deal with the Meds pick list is as follows.
Pick a box that brings down a list of all the meds in an alphabetized data 
base with each individual med also listed with all of its different dosing 
forms and different dosing frequencies.   Have the list negotiated by a 
simple keying in of the letters of the medication and allow the list to jump 
to that ordering of letters.
Ie:  List comes up at A (of course) then type in AVA and would bring list 
down to Avalide, Avapro selections.  Then just choose dosing form and 
frequency, # to dispense and # refills, check box for do not substitute.
Databases can easily be managed once all data is entered initially.
With new meds, when a drug rep come in and details the MD, add the lines 
needed for each of the new meds.  Usually no more than a few a month!

My two cents, for what it is worth.
Need to remember on this list that there are REAL MDs out here too who are 
not quite as fast on the technical side of the software and hardware, but do 
understand the logical ordering of what it takes to see a patient from when 
they walk in the door of the office, into the exam room and on their way out!

Alan Falkoff, M.D.,D.A.B.F.P.

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