On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Wayne Wilson wrote:
> :) How many of you have noted the pgp signature aspect of my messages
> and my information note below and been able to do anything with it?
> --
> Wayne Wilson
> An attachment containing my pgp-signature is included.
> My public key fingerprint is:
> 9325 05AD 866B BCCB 45BF  E86A 63E1 C6ED 4130 5461
> My public key can be downloaded from wwwkeys.us.pgp.net


I used your public key fingerprint as search string for Google. Google
retrieved a list of your messages posted to the OpenHealth List. (No
false positive hit.)

>From this, I can track your publication history at various publicly
archived mailing lists (did not find anything outside OpenHealth List).

Best regards,

Andrew P. Ho, M.D.
OIO: Open Infrastructure for Outcomes

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