One representation of the ICD-9-CM and others is the LexGrid work at Mayo of 
Harold Solbrig.  
It includes versions, language options, etc. and has a full server 
implementation to go with it.
The model underlying it is available in XMI and other formats.  My major 
"objection" is that it
seems to be tied to the LDAP representation, which seems to me to be an 
implementation issue not
a design issue.

It is available at:

It is very fine work.


> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Tim Churches <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "David Forslund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, Nov-29-2004 1:28 PM
> Subject: Re: Free US ICD-9-CM as plain text?
> David Forslund wrote:
> > I have a question.  There is a lot of info in the ICD-9-CM coding 
> documents that isn't
> > represented by simple text.  It would seem that an XML representation 
> of the codes
> > with the exclusions, notes, etc. would be more generally useful.   
> Flatting the
> > data to the number and the name seems to remove some, if not a lot 
> of, information.
> > 
> > Comments?
> Sure, an XML representation which preserved the comments, scope notes 
> etc would be ideal. Even better would be an XML representation which 
> incorporated all the revisions (which seem to be annual in the US) into 
> the one document.
> Howver, for our purposes we were just looking for a quick way to label 
> US ICD-9-CM codes for the purposes of some demo code, since the US 
> National Hospital Discharge Survey data from NCHS is a convenient, 
> publicly available dataset.
> The ICD clinical variants (e.g. ICD-9-CM as opposed to ICD-9) are 
> country specific eg we use ICD-10-AM (where AM=Australian modification) 
> for clinical coding, but ICD-10 (as maintained by WHO) for deaths.
> Nevertheless, a single international XML standard for representing ICD 
> codes would be great.
> Tim C
> >>------------Original Message------------
> >>From: Tim Churches <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>To: "Openhealth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Date: Sun, Nov-28-2004 0:23 AM
> >>Subject: Free US ICD-9-CM as plain text?
> >>
> >>Does anyone know where a set of US ICD-9-CM codes and descriptions as 
> >>plain text i.e. in a format which can be imported into databse - can 
> be 
> >>
> >>obatined at no cost? The data do not have to be re-distributable, 
> just 
> >>available on teh Internet for free. I have been able to find a free 
> set 
> >>
> >>of US ICD-9-CM files in RTF (Rich Text Format) format provided by the 
> >>NCHS (National center for health Statistics), but they are laid out 
> for 
> >>
> >>printing, and would need a lot of error-prone parsing to render them 
> as 
> >>
> >>a database file. Various companies offer ASCII-format ICD-9-CM files, 
> >>but only for a fee. Note that I am looking for ICD-9-CM, not ICD-9.
> >>
> >>Tim C
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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