The Linux Journal Magazine released an article on "Trying Oracle on Linux in the Enterprise", subtitled "How does Linux compare on a large scale to a well-proven commercial UNIX product?"

For those who have large Oracle based hospital databases and that do not want to be dependent neither from Windows, nor proprietary UNIX dialects, this could be interesting:

Just a comment on the subject of Oracle and Linux:

We (a few members) have helped an European Public Enterprise to set up a Oracle 8 DBMS over low cost, software based, high reliability cluster. The specifications asked for a growth capability of 100 GB/year and gave room for low cost common PC hardware. We opted for reliable and relatively low cost PC hardware parts, using Debian Linux 3.1, DRBD 0.7 raid SW driver and Heartbeat, to setup and manage the high reliability cluster. The system is (reliably!) running since Feb. 2005. It is expected to grow up to 250 GB over the first 2 years (but it has a present practical ceiling of 16 TB). For those interested in the subject there is a paper describing the experiment.

J. Antas

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