Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
> Quoting r. Vu Pham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>Either you can use multiple channels or derive different 
>>initiator_port_ID in the login req to have multiple paths on 
>>the same physical port
> So how about we just stick a pointer inside the indentifier extension
> instead of enabling multichannel?

That's the simple change. Beside that you have to maintain a 
list of connections/channels connected to the same target, 
to manage/clean-up resource associated with these 
connections, how to handle error recovery especially target 
reset and host reset...

What is the advantage to have multiple connections/qps on 
the same physical port to the same target? The disavantages 
are wasting resources, instability, no fail-over on physical 
port error...

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