In addition to what has been said before, you could check Jira for keywords jfxpanel and/or swing. Just today we had another Mac-only problem. Apparently AWT is not as thread-safe on Mac as it is on Windows, resulting in deadlocks in native AWT code (which currently is a guess, not confirmed, RT-31124).

Another relatively minor issue: if you have to use multiple JFXPanels on one Swing window the code can get quite complicated because of the frequent context switches between the GUI threads. Currently I am adding a note to the javadoc of UI methods to state which thread it is supposed to be called in.

Even with one JFXPanel and other Swing UI on the same window, you'll get a problem with tab focus movement: the jfxpanel would happily receive focus but then users cannot "tab out" of the jfxpanel.

Also seen today: after closing the last JFXPanel while the Swing application continues, FX would "exit the platform" (not the VM) and you cannot use another JFXPanel. There is probably some workaround available.

And just in case it has not been said before: you cannot have a Stage on top of a JFrame (modal or not). This forces you to wrap a JFXPanel into a JDialog.

I have also seen a performance problem. Try an indeterminate progressbar in a JFXPanel. The progressbar width directly correlates with CPU usage. With ~400px width I get about 20% CPU usage (almost one core). This is probably caused by constant pixel shifting to AWT.


On 14.06.2013 17:08, Robert Krüger wrote:
What are the hidden problems one should be
aware of (other than having 2 UI threads).

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