Hi Nir/Jeannette,

As you are both using Eclipse for development I'd like to get your take on the following things.

Dealing with OS specific
The graphics module has to have different source folders depending on the OS you are developing on:
* Windows: build/hlsl/Decora and build/hslPrism
* Linux/OS-X: build/gensrc/jsl-decora build/gensrc/jsl-prism

So when importing the projects Eclipse does not even build anything until you fix the .classpath file - I'd like to propose to mark those Source-Folders optional.

There the .classpath has a none existing "src/test/java" I wonder where that source is and if not there anymore remove the offending entry from .classpath-File

What's the purpose of that project? The classpath is incorrect and does it have to be a Java-Project?


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